Personal Blog- End of July 2017- Best Of RI Party- thoughts- etc.

I sit here- wine in hand.. yes... once again... Only because I feel like I need it for this post. I'm here in my living room sitting on my comfy antique chair curled up in my Pj's writing this blog for you all.

I feel like I can't explain my feelings right now to even start writing this blog... but Im just going to start typing and see what comes out.

Hmm, how do I feel?......... I'm humbled, i'm blessed and to be honest- as Im typing this I'm trying to hold back tears... 

My husband and I came from humbled beginnings, we struggled a lot in our younger years. We had children early and we tried our hardest to make a good home and a good life for them. Justin sacrificed a lot of time to help me go after what was first my dream of being a professional photographer. He worked odd jobs that he hated while I stayed home to raise our children. There was a time that we didn't have food to feed our son, I remember opening up canned peas and trying to smooch them up for our oldest to eat- only to have him choke on the shells. I'm not writing this here to make you feel bad. Im telling you this because I want you all to know that we are real people. People who have worked our butts off, not to become famous but to live the life we have always wanted for ourselves and our children. 


In the past Id envy others success, now I understand - Success is earned. 

Other than being a mother and wife, my photography has been my life for the past 9 years. Its kind of a problem actually (but I enjoy it!)... I realize I don't have many hobbies anymore (except maybe singing karaoke with the Smule app on my phone HAHA) When I'm not cooking, cleaning, getting back to clients, editing photos, playing with my kids or spending time with Justin. I'm pretty much making connections over social media- advertising or writing blogs. People Say to me.... "you're so lucky" but our business isn't based on luck. Its based on hard work and one other thing.

WHAT is that you ask?... well.... OUR CLIENTS.

We love them so much and... for some reason we always get AWESOME clients! Our Clients become our friends and even at times "framily" (friends who end up family) We've invited our clients over to our house to chat about their wedding plans over a campfire. We've been invited to and visited our former wedding clients homes just to catch up... We have been invited to and attended our clients cook outs. We even had a couple over to play old school video games in Justins "man cave" aka game room once. We can Not be more Thankful for the friends that we have made over all the years that we have been in business. 

Being a Business and being Business like Is important to an extent... but being REAL, being FRIENDS with and Taking the time to learn and understand our clients is our style. 

Our hard work, yes.. it helps..  but our clients... they are what help us give our kids a great life. They are the ones that take the time to write us reviews and tell their friends about us.... because of this we are able to bring our kids out to eat instead of worry about what they are going to eat. To be able to take trips, buy them essentials and not have to worry about working a 9-5 and missing out on seeing them grow up. I can't tell you HOW HAPPY we are to have the clients and friends that we have made over the years.

Our clients enrich our lives more than they would ever know.

If you are one of our new or past clients... please know.....

We are so incredibly thankful for you. 

Because of our clients Votes we WON Statewide- Best Of Rhode Island Wedding Photographers.

I honestly still can't believe it... Rhode Island Monthly held an AMAZING party for all of us winners. It was only a few days ago but it seemed like just a dream.

Here are some photos from the party! (They gave us free drinks all night so I apologize for some of these hahah)

2017 has been an amazing year for us.


NOT only did it start out by us being Featured in the 2017 issue of Engaged RI magazine

Click here for the link the Digital Issue! We are on page 36 and 104





but I by myself- also photographed my first destination wedding in Phoenix Arizona (it was an amazing experience!) I still need to add a personal blog post about that trip soon! This Text message between Justin and I still makes me laugh! :)



After the trip- we got recognition as being one of the TOP PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHERS in Providence RI by! CLICK HERE to view! :) 



rhode island wedding photographer


Want to hear something funny? I thought we didn't win the Best of Rhode island this year.. I mentioned voting to clients via social media like I did every year but.. Rhode Island has a ton of wonderful photographers in it!...  It was anyones game! I saw a few of my friends who owned businesses in Rhode Island getting their invites in the mail on Facebook and Instagram. I went to my mailbox to check...... And.......Nothing..... my stomach sank...

I tried to stay positive all day even though I was dying inside...

I was waiting in my car for my kids to get off of their bus that afternoon and heard a Ding from my phone telling me I received an email.... I read..

"Congratulations! you won Best Of RI!!! We didn't know your mailing address!"

rhode island wedding photographer

As soon as I read that email... my kids bus arrived. I started crying, They ran to me after crossing the road and they were the first to know..... They still Brag about how their Parents are "the Best Photographers in Rhode Island" :)

It was one of the Best days of my life.


I want to say, We all notice those wedding vendors, the ones who act like they are Wedding Factories. Those that just BOOK BOOK BOOK to make money...  What I want you guys to know, Is that its not about Money for us.. and Its not about Status... 

even though it was awesome to be recognized thanks to you! 

(we hope to win again next year!)

The whole process of finding new friends and clients to spoil is awesome to us! We enjoy learning about and getting to know our clients! We get excited to make new friends! We want to give you our all! 

We want to spoil you! like you spoil us! you are worth it!..