Our Trip to the Farm

I wanted to do something different than just the normal baby chick pictures for easter this year. So I did some searching around for Ideas on the internet. I came across  Elena Shumilova's beautiful work.  Click here to view some of her amazing photography. 

She definitely inspired me to host these sessions on a farm. It took me a bit to find the perfect one but once I did it was so worth the wait. I found this great family farm just 30 minutes from Harrisville RI called Kingdom Kids Farm. Its owned by a really awesome family and it is beautiful! Not only will they have baby chicks around the time that I will be hosting these sessions but they will also have baby goats that will be only about 2 weeks old! 

These sessions will not be staged or propped. I will be there to follow you and children around while they have a great time playing, petting and having fun at the farm with these adorable animals.

I stopped by to check it out yesterday and grabbed just a few quick shots while talking to the owner. Just to have a picture for an advertisement. I had just picked up my kids  from school so I snapped a few of them as well, They LOVED it and even with just seeing the big goats.  I really can not wait to see how these sessions end up! I will be visitng the farm again once the babies are born and I will make sure to post aother blog to update you all! 

Dont forget to "LIKE" Kingdom Kids farm by visiting their>-  facebook!

For more information about these sessions check out my other blog post HERE